
What the Heck Hap­pened MU?!

What the Heck Hap­pened, MU? We know… we’ve been on quite the hia­tus. Un­like your fa­vorite boy bands, we are back in ac­tion for our last se­mes­ter at MU! We can’t wait to catch you up on every­thing that hap­pened in the past two years. As you’ll see, it was a *lit­tle* chaotic.

In all se­ri­ous­ness, we are SO ex­cited to be back and can’t wait to put the hats back on! (Metaphor­i­cally, Emma lost hers, and Maken­na’s got smushed while mov­ing) Stay tuned for our next episode!

We are look­ing for sin­gle guys to be in our next dat­ing show!! Nom­i­nate your­self or a friend us­ing this link

Fol­low us on In­sta­gram! @what­shap­pen­ingmu

Fol­low the Paw­print Blog! @maryvillepaw­print