
What 4 Years' Worth of Tu­ition Can Buy…

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Maryville University’s tuition for a full-time undergraduate student is $25,558. After 4 years of college, you have paid a whopping $102,232. There’s a lot that can be done with $100,000. Below is an infographic that shows what someone can do with the money that pays Maryville’s tuition.


What would you do with a $100,000?

“I would travel.” -Rachel Thomas

“Buy as many acres as pos­si­ble in deer coun­try and hunt.” -An­drew Beck­er­man

“Put half in my bank and in­vest the other in stocks and bonds.” -Lan­don Paul

“I’d use some of the funds to go on a nice trip post-grad­u­a­tion and put the rest in sav­ings.” -Alexis Arnold

“See­ing as how my par­ents have paid for most of my tu­ition, they would get a large bulk of that money. How­ever, with the amount I would re­ceive, I would spend the money on a new car and then I would prob­a­bly save the rest for a rainy day.” -Katy Haas

“I would travel the world for a year to places like china, japan, in­dia, the Congo, Aus­tralia, South Amer­ica any place you can imag­ine for.” -Erik Schäfer

“I would buy a re­ally nice car like a Porsche or a Corvette.” -An­drew Rus­sel

“I would pur­chase land and build a soc­cer field so I can play with my friends, team­mates and host soc­cer tour­na­ments.” -Bill Stimic


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