
Trans­fer This: Trans­fer­ring Uni­ver­si­ties Be­comes More Com­mon

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Trans­fer­ring from one col­lege to an­other is be­com­ing more and more pop­u­lar in so­ci­ety to­day.Ac­cord­ing to a new study from the Na­tional Stu­dent Clear­ing­house Re­search Cen­ter shows that 37.2 per­cent of col­lege stu­dents trans­fer at least one time. So why are peo­ple trans­fer­ring so much? Let’s ex­plore the top rea­sons why stu­dents de­cide to trans­fer in col­lege.

Fi­nan­cial Cir­cum­stances
Ac­cord­ing to the Col­lege Board, the av­er­age cost of tu­ition and fees for stu­dents at a pri­vate uni­ver­sity are around $33,000 per year and around $10,000 per year at pub­lic uni­ver­si­ties. This plays a role in ex­plain­ing why a stu­dent may trans­fer from one uni­ver­sity to an­other. It is im­por­tant for stu­dents to find col­leges that not only fit their per­son­al­ity, but also fit their bud­get.

So­cial Cir­cum­stances
Col­lege can be an in­ter­est­ing time so­cially. Gen­er­ally, it is the first time that peo­ple are sep­a­rated from friends and fam­ily and feel like they are on their own for the first time. The feel­ing of be­ing home­sick or iso­lated plays a ma­jor role in de­cid­ing whether a per­son is go­ing to trans­fer or not. Hav­ing friends or sig­nif­i­cant oth­ers that at­tend dif­fer­ent schools can also cause an in­di­vid­ual to trans­fer.

Ath­letic Cir­cum­stances
Ath­let­ics plays an in­ter­est­ing role in the fre­quency that stu­dents trans­fer. It has be­come so com­mon­place for in­di­vid­u­als to trans­fer from uni­ver­sity to uni­ver­sity for ath­letic rea­sons. Trans­fer­ring has be­come so nor­mal in ath­let­ics that coaches in every sport are be­gin­ning to re­cruit trans­fers. The Na­tional Stu­dent Clear­ing­house Re­search Cen­ter says that col­lege bas­ket­ball play­ers alone make up nearly 13 per­cent of all in­di­vid­u­als who trans­fer. Not just in bas­ket­ball, but in every sport,  stu­dent ath­letes de­cide to trans­fer in or­der to play for a dif­fer­ent coach, seek more play­ing time, or just to re­ceive a fresh start at a new uni­ver­sity. An­thony John­son, a se­nior on the bas­ket­ball team, said, “I chose to trans­fer be­cause I did not get along with my head coach as well as I would have liked to. Also, the as­sis­tant coach who re­cruited me took an­other job at a dif­fer­ent uni­ver­sity. Trans­fer­ring al­lowed me pur­sue my dream of play­ing pro­fes­sional bas­ket­ball.”

Aca­d­e­mic Cir­cum­stances

Ac­cord­ing to a study from Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, only about 50 per­cent of peo­ple who en­roll in col­lege ac­tu­ally grad­u­ate. That means there are a num­ber of stu­dents who will drop out of col­lege every year. Stu­dents who trans­fer for aca­d­e­mic rea­sons of­ten trans­fer be­cause of the de­gree of dif­fi­culty of cer­tain courses or pro­grams. Also, switch­ing ma­jors is an­other rea­son why stu­dents will trans­fer from one uni­ver­sity to an­other. Due to the fact that cer­tain pro­grams are found at spe­cific uni­ver­si­ties stu­dents will of­ten trans­fer if they are look­ing for a new ma­jor.

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