
The Other Side with Jimmy Schmitt: Ep. 2 Build­ing Bridges with Colton Wood­son

• Bookmarks: 1

In this episode, Jimmy talks with Colton Wood­son, a col­lege stu­dent who iden­ti­fies as right-wing and leans right on is­sues im­por­tant to him. 

The Other Side Pod­cast is a col­lec­tion of unedited con­ver­sa­tions with peo­ple from both sides of the aisle. The goal is to show that peo­ple on both sides of the aisle are not an amal­ga­ma­tion of buzz­words and talk­ing points, but hu­man. 

Note: This is NOT a de­bate. De­bates are not won by the per­son who is cor­rect or has the ar­gu­ment that the facts sup­port, rather by the per­son who is more rhetor­i­cally gifted. 

Mu­sic: In­tro/​Outro: “Iri­des­cent” by Har­ris Heller


Au­dio only: https://​an­​james-l-schmitt/​episodes/​The-Other-Side-with-Jimmy-Schmitt-Ep–2-Build­ing-Bridges-with-Colton-Wood­son-ema98q

Video: https://​​0l­RGN­VyQXd8