Have you been wanting to go to a play put on by Maryville students? You’re in luck! Maryville University’s new drama club is putting on the very first play that is solely run by students. It’s a story about a breakup and how opposites attract.
“The Odd Couple” takes place in the 1980s and is a genderswap of the original play by Neil Simon. The play is about two mismatched females, Florence and Olive.
There are many different renditions of the “The Odd Couple” so having Maryville be able to do their own rendition on a classic is amazing, not to mention they did a phenomenal job with every little thing for the play.
What drew you to wanting to do this play?
“I really enjoyed doing theater in high school, so when I found out Maryville was putting on a play, I was overjoyed,” Marion Richter, playing Renee in the rendition, said.
Was there a character you wanted to play but were given a different part?
“I really wanted to be Olive so bad, but I was given the role of Florence. Now looking back on it, Florence is the perfect role for me,” Rachel Weidig said. Weidig portrays Florence Unger (the main character) whose marriage is ending.
What is your favorite thing about your character?
“I’m not a very angry person so getting to yell and be an angry person is new for me, and kind of fun,” Claire Day said. Day portrays Sylvie. Sylvie is a sarcastic character and is often picking on her friends.
Are there any qualities about your character that have rubbed off on you?
“I’m more confident with talking to girls, since my character is a lady’s man,” Paul Schuler said. Schuler portrays Jesus Costazuela, one of the brothers. The brothers live a floor up from Olive and florence. The brothers in the play are two guys that Olive and Florence spend time with a few times. They are not a major role in the play but they have an impact.
Is this something you would want to pursue?
“If I could pursue this as a career, I definitely would,” Ryan Masando said. Masando portrays Manolo Castazuela, the other brother.
As Maryville expands and gains more students Dr. Santirojprapai hopes that in the future Maryville will be able to put on more plays and possibly have a type of theatre concentration for the student.
What has been your favorite process about the play?
“It’s never been a chore to come to the rehearsals and over time we became great friends,” Gabi Horwitz said. Horwitz plays Vera. Vera is mild-mannered and henpecked, making her an easy target for Sylvie’s verbal barbs.
What is the meaning behind the play?
“The meaning of this play is finding the meaning of friendship and how even opposites stick together,” Natasha Bonner (Director) said.
What was the inspiration for this play?
“We wanted to do a fun and entertaining play for our first show. We also wanted a play that we could genderswap, since there are more females on campus than there are males,” Dr. Santirojprapai (advisor) said.
“We would love to be able to do more plays in the future, but with hopefully a bigger budget for props and things for the play to be the best it can be. I’m very proud of the work they have done. I wanted the Maryville community to come out and see how talented they are,” Dr. Santirojprapai said.

“The play went really well! I’m so excited and proud of the actors for both performances! Dr. Santirojprapai was so crucial in the whole process and we couldn’t have done it without him,” Natasha Bonner said.
If you want to see more plays in the future make sure to give the drama club some support and join today.
Tweet us your favorite moments from “The Odd Couple” and your favorite plays from Broadway @Mvillepawprint.