
#That­sTrendy by Kai­lya and Ry­ley

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This edi­tion of 2 Un­qual­i­fied Girls fea­tures Saints Style as guests to talk about fash­ion and on­line trends. 

The group of­fers opin­ions on the lat­est fash­ion trends, celebrity gos­sip as well as their per­sonal fa­vorite cloth­ing items.  

Fash­ion items such as gloves, brighter col­ors, and biker shorts make an ap­pear­ance. In ad­di­tion to this, the group gives their opin­ions on moon boots and Kim and Kanye’s breakup!

All this and more are fea­tured on this edi­tion of 2 Un­qual­i­fied Girls! Don’t miss out! 

De­scrip­tion by: Maya Bren­ning­meyer and Sammi Ful­son