
Teach Me How To Tin­der

• Bookmarks: 14

Avoiding the left swipe, Tinder is the millennials preferred, free dating and hook-up app. Whether it’s to pass time with friends, or to find something more serious, Tinder is there. First impressions are everything, and in the world of Tinder, you only have a few seconds to make it count. Left swipes are a no and right swipes on pictures are a yes. The app has the ability to have upgraded features such as a rewind feature. This feature allows an accidental no to become a yes. Another widely used feature is the super like. This allows the user to get a notification that you like them, even if they don’t like you back. Other features include changing locations, unlimited likes and turning off ads. Of course, these are ungraded features. The most popular option is a six-month subscription of about six dollars a month. 

Here are some sure-fire ways to get noticed:

  1. Have a good profile picture. No matter how superficial you think it is, Tinder is all about looks. Take a strong, easily visible photo. Don’t have multiple people in every photo.
  2. Have diverse photos. Let’s face it, we’re lazy. We want to see what interest each other has without actually reading. If you like to travel or cook, have photos of that. It makes it easier to see if we’re going to connect or not.
  3. Avoid revealing pictures. If you are in the gym or have a multiple fitness pictures, you might be too into yourself. It’s awesome to have a rocking bod, but it comes off as self-involved if every picture is of your six pack.
  4. Have a short clear bio. So, you’re not photogenic. Bios make up for that. Have a funny quote or something clever and you have a good chance at getting a right swipe.
  5. Clear intentions are crucial. Tinder is used for both hookups and to find relationships. Be clear in your bio if you’re looking for something fun or serious. Don’t waste anyone’s time.
  6. Exes are a tricky subject. Respect your ex. Don’t talk badly about them, no matter how it ended. You really liked this person at one point in time. They might have hurt you, but that’s a story for another time
  7. Be yourself. Don’t use photos that aren’t of you and act like they are you. That’s not only bad karma, but when the truth comes out, you might be on Catfish.
  8. We saved the most important for last…cheaters. If you are on Tinder, and have a significant other…honestly just get off of Tinder. Break up with them and be single. Adding a side chick to your life will not help your sanity in any way, shape or form.

Tinder is a network that allows you to communicate with one other in an non-threatening manner. “Tinder allows you to virtually approach girls/guys you’d never have the confidence to talk to in person,” Adam Zobrist said.  The internet has been a great way to build assurance from behind a computer screen. The millennial generation has grown up with. “I could connect and meet with guys whenever I wanted. I could be at home, school, work, etc. It didn’t matter and I could connect with someone and that did not have to take place at a bar or club,” said Shawnda Turner. It’s a great way to pass time and not be to serious.  

Let us know if any of these tips worked! Tweet to us @MvillePaw­print!

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