
#weber field

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2 posts

Pat Evers Leads the Saints as Base­ball Head Coach


Pat Evers is the new head coach for the Maryville Base­ball team. This is his first sea­son coach­ing the Saints af­ter leav­ing Jef­fer­son Col­lege in Hills­boro, MO, where he coached the Vikings since 2014. Evers coached 61 NCAA stu­dent-ath­letes and led 20 play­ers i... More »


Ath­let­ics Con­struc­tion Un­der­way


A brand-new turf field for the wom­en’s lacrosse team, men’s lacrosse team and soft­ball team is part of the fu­ture at Maryville. Con­struc­tion on Maryville Uni­ver­si­ty’s cam­pus off of Con­way road has brought the at­ten­tion of many fel­low Saints. An ex­panded footpr... More »