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16 posts

Saints Hall Res­i­dents Get a Sur­prise Splash


It is no se­cret Maryville has had a rather wet start to the school year, with two wa­ter main breaks back to back caus­ing the dorms and apart­ments to be with­out wa­ter for a short pe­riod of time, stu­dents had to use other re­sources around cam­pus for wa­ter. Lucki... More »


Cook­ing Up Some­thing New in Gan­der


In­side a typ­i­cal cafe­te­ria, there are the usual ar­eas in which cafe­te­rias like to di­vide them­selves into- Asian food, pizza, the grill, what with its burg­ers, fries and other sand­wiches, and of course, a salad bar. This is what Maryville’s din­ing hall, Gan­der,... More »


Friends by Chance, Room­mates by Choice


In 2013, fresh­men Con­nor Gaby and Sean Sa­lomon met through mu­tual friends while play­ing Xbox. Nei­ther of them could have pre­dicted that they would have be­come great friends and end up as col­lege room­mates five years later.   Con­nor Gaby, from Free­burg, Illi­noi... More »