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2 posts

In­ter­view with a STLCC Trans­fer Stu­dent


Maryville Uni­ver­sity is a go-to school for many trans­fer stu­dents, re­sult­ing in a di­verse stu­dent body. Trans­fer­ring schools can be a big deal to some, and a pass­ing thought to other. To­day, I am speak­ing with a third year Maryville trans­fer stu­dent who wishes... More »


Trans­fer This: Trans­fer­ring Uni­ver­si­ties Be­comes More Com­mon


Trans­fer­ring from one col­lege to an­other is be­com­ing more and more pop­u­lar in so­ci­ety to­day.Ac­cord­ing to a new study from the Na­tional Stu­dent Clear­ing­house Re­search Cen­ter shows that 37.2 per­cent of col­lege stu­dents trans­fer at least one time. So why are peop... More »