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4 posts

Maryville’s Mon­day Mo­ti­va­tion


Tune in to hear how El­lie Schmidt has gained sat­is­fac­tion and mo­ti­va­tion in her choice of col­lege ed­u­ca­tion, as well as with her job choices, both cur­rent and for­mer. We hope what she has to say will help you find your mo­ti­va­tion in your own ed­u­ca­tion or ca­ree... More »


Fresh­man Saints Q’s & A’s


We walk around cam­pus and ask Fresh­man what they still have ques­tions about and ask Se­niors to give them ad­vice. Check it out! Ad­min­is­tra­tor­More Posts More »


MU Bucket List


Every­one has a bucket list of things to do be­fore they die. How about a bucket list of ac­tiv­i­ties and events to go to be­fore you grad­u­ate from Maryville Uni­ver­sity? Here are sev­eral ex­cit­ing events to plan be­fore your time at Maryville ends. 1. 1000 Saints The... More »


Raise the Roof (and your Re­sumé)


If you think your stel­lar GPA, a beau­ti­fully for­mat­ted re­sume and a rock­ing cover let­ter will se­cure you a big-kid job af­ter grad­u­a­tion, you should open your plan­ner and write down ‘look for sum­mer in­tern­ship’ right now. It will change your life. Don’t you bel... More »