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7 posts

Move in St. Lou: Weightlift­ing


Bright win­dows, open space, and a quiet at­mos­phere are of­fered when vis­it­ing the Si­mon Cen­ter at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. It is a gym that pro­vides a va­ri­ety of weightlift­ing and car­dio equip­ment. The Si­mon Cen­ter is home to two weightlift­ing gyms that are each u... More »


Men­tal Health in Ath­letes


 Wel­come Back Saints Stu­dents & Staff. This ar­ti­cle is a lit­tle heav­ier than most. TW: fea­tures men­tions of death. Photo Credit: Un­splash.: You can’t out­run every­thing. Some­times you need to un­leash it all. You aren’t alone. Ath­letes are jug­gling a lot more th... More »


Men­tal Health Aware­ness


I hope this year has been start­ing off good for you all. I know it has been a strug­gle for a lot of us so I wanted to talk about men­tal health. I found this pic­ture and it made me think about how not every bad thought has to con­sume your mind. Credit: Pix­abay ... More »


Can­dles, Singing Bowls, & Dalgona Cof­fee Oh My….


By : Popoai Tanu­vasa-Lole Since the COVID -19 quar­an­tine hit the U.S. thou­sands of peo­ple have been forced to self-iso­late and stay at home. Many of our rou­tines and daily lives are any­thing but nor­mal now. Cop­ing mech­a­nisms seem to be very lim­ited when you ar... More »