Bright windows, open space, and a quiet atmosphere are offered when visiting the Simon Center at Maryville University. It is a gym that provides a variety of weightlifting and cardio equipment. The Simon Center is home to two weightlifting gyms that are each u... More »
Winter break is finally here, and I personally couldn’t be more excited. Especially as an introvert, I can get too excited to spend time at home with less responsibilities. Instead of looking back at my break with regret, I want to proactively plan how to bala... More »
Over the recent years, especially since the pandemic started, I took an interest in starting new habits! If you’re like me, someone with severe ADHD, it can be impossible to start new habits and then I get very discouraged once I don’t make a 180 overnight. Af... More »
Some people recharge and take care of themselves by socializing at an event with friends, going out to a new workout or art class, but personally that doesn’t appeal to me. I prefer to keep to myself and indulge in an activity that brings me comfort. In a worl... More »
Welcome Back Saints Students & Staff. This article is a little heavier than most. TW: features mentions of death. Photo Credit: Unsplash.: You can’t outrun everything. Sometimes you need to unleash it all. You aren’t alone. Athletes are juggling a lot more th... More »
I hope this year has been starting off good for you all. I know it has been a struggle for a lot of us so I wanted to talk about mental health. I found this picture and it made me think about how not every bad thought has to consume your mind. Credit: Pixabay ... More »
By : Popoai Tanuvasa-Lole Since the COVID -19 quarantine hit the U.S. thousands of people have been forced to self-isolate and stay at home. Many of our routines and daily lives are anything but normal now. Coping mechanisms seem to be very limited when you ar... More »