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7 posts

Eras of Her: Zen­daya’s Truth


Known as one of Dis­ney Chan­nel’s biggest stars, girl­friend of Tom Hol­land, fash­ion icon, and so much more, Zen­daya is one of to­day’s most fa­vored celebri­ties. Known mostly be­cause of her out­stand­ing per­for­mances that started long ago when she was just a teenag... More »


Eras of Her: The Real Be­hind Lady Gaga’s Ob­scu­rity


Re­mem­ber the crazy meat dress that Lady Gaga showed up in at the VMAs back in 2010? Well, as it turns out, she was­n’t just be­ing a lit­tle crazy by show­ing off that out­fit; for her, there was a very im­por­tant rea­son be­hind wear­ing this dress. By show­ing off the... More »


Eras of Her: The Glory Days of Mon­roe


Photo cour­tesy of Picryl Norma Jeane Morten­son, Mona Mon­roe, and Mar­i­lyn Mon­roe. All one per­son who had a huge im­pact on women and so­ci­ety as a whole. Who was she and what did she do to change en­ter­tain­ment and so­cial prac­tices? In an in­dus­try dom­i­nated by men... More »


Ma­jor League Soc­cer Vote Failed, What’s Next?


The bill to bring a Ma­jor League Soc­cer team to St. Louis has been re­jected. Propo­si­tion 2, which would have of­fered pub­lic money to be used on build­ing a new sta­dium, failed af­ter nearly 53 per­cent voted in op­po­si­tion of the bill. Ma­jor League Soc­cer, or MLS,... More »