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7 posts

New to The Lou: Acai Every­where


While it may not be a “one-of-a-kind” spot, it is home to the only two lo­ca­tions in Mis­souri right here in St. Louis. Spice things up at Ever­bowl in Ladue or Creve Coeur and “rein­vent your fast food ex­pe­ri­ence.” Ever­bowl is a su­per­food, nu­tri­tion-cen­tered esta... More »


Who’s the Bet­ter Hero­ine: Cin­derella or Mu­lan?


As a child grow­ing up, Cin­derella was my fa­vorite Dis­ney Princess. I thought she was so kind and beau­ti­ful. My ad­mi­ra­tion for her did­n’t dis­ap­pear as I col­lected Cin­derella dolls and slip­pers. It’s not un­til I reached third grade did I read a pic­ture book insu... More »




Hey every­one, My name is Michelle and my pod­cast is about 4 dif­fer­ent se­r­ial killers and their sto­ries. The first one is about the first se­r­ial killer in Amer­ica H.H.Holmes. Hope you guys en­joy it. Thanks for lis­ten­ing! Mar­tinez­More Posts More »