
#Microwave Meals

Home » Microwave Meals

2 posts

Saints Sa­vor: Mug Pizza


The mi­crowave meal ad­ven­ture con­tin­ues this week with a mi­crowave­able “cheese pizza in a mug”. Who would have thought that a pizza could be quickly made from scratch and cooked in a mug, let alone in a mi­crowave? Here is the recipe for you to check out for you... More »


Saints Sa­vor: Mug French Toast


As an avid foodie and col­lege stu­dent con­stantly look­ing for sim­ple food hacks, I want to share some of my fast and suc­cess­ful mi­crowave meals that work. You’ll want to try these seam­less recipes in your dorm be­cause it will not only save time, but you can hav... More »