
#Maryville Transfers

Home » Maryville Transfers

2 posts

In­ter­view with a Maryville Stu­dent from MOBAP


At sev­en­teen, it can be ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to fig­ure out where you want your life to go. Choos­ing a col­lege to at­tend can play a big role in this de­ci­sion, and some­times the first school is­n’t a right fit. To­day, I’m speak­ing with a Maryville sopho­more about ... More »

In­ter­view with Trans­fer Stu­dent Syd­ney Dark


Maryville is home to many stu­dents who trans­fer from lo­cal com­mu­nity col­leges, but it also ed­u­cates many who are from out­side of Mis­souri and Illi­nois. Syd­ney Dark, a ju­nior at Maryville Uni­ver­sity, talked to me about what it was like trans­fer­ring to Maryville... More »