
#maryville soccer

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5 posts

Maryville Soc­cer Player Spot­light – Mirza Hase­cic


Mirza Hase­cic, a Saints soc­cer star, has had a fan­tas­tic sea­son last year at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. Hase­cic was named to the United Soc­cer Coach­es’ first team for the 2021 sea­son at the end of the sea­son, one of many ac­co­lades the se­nior mid­fielder has earned d... More »


Maryville Soc­cer – Spring Sea­son Re­cap


It’s been a busy spring for the Maryville Men’s Soc­cer team this spring as they are head­ing into the last two weeks of their spring sea­son. The Saints have played six games so far, with an un­of­fi­cial record of 2-3-1 fac­ing a bunch of lo­cal teams around the St.... More »


Maryville Soc­cer: From Ger­many to the USA


It has been a good 2021 year at Maryville Uni­ver­sity for Saints soc­cer cap­tain Cedric Sengl. Last year, Sengl was se­lected to par­tic­i­pate in the Mid­west Pro Soc­cer Com­bine. The com­bine al­lows play­ers to show­case their abil­ity in front of pro­fes­sional coaches w... More »


Ma­jor League Soc­cer Vote Failed, What’s Next?


The bill to bring a Ma­jor League Soc­cer team to St. Louis has been re­jected. Propo­si­tion 2, which would have of­fered pub­lic money to be used on build­ing a new sta­dium, failed af­ter nearly 53 per­cent voted in op­po­si­tion of the bill. Ma­jor League Soc­cer, or MLS,... More »