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11 posts

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S3 Fi­nale: Ben Fos­ter


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S3 EP 4: Flo­rieke Spa


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S3 EP 1: Dy­lan Radke


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S3 EP 3: Matt Mar­tyn


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »


Eras of Her: What Mar­got Rob­bie Was Made For


Photo cour­tesy of De­posit Pho­tos Did you know that Mar­got Rob­bie started off her ca­reer by act­ing in soap op­eras and TV shows? Long be­fore her ma­jor per­for­mances in movies such as Sui­cide Squad and Bar­bie, the lit­tle Aus­tralian ac­tress at the time was a no­body... More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S3 EP 2: Syd­ney Tie­mann


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S2 EP4: Anna Schamens


Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he gets to in­ter­view fel­low ath­letes at­tend­ing maryville and ask them the hard hit­ting ques­tions.More Posts More »

Maryville Meets Ath­letes S2 EP2: Evan Al­fano


Get to know a goal­tender from the Maryville Lacrosse team with your Co-Hosts Ben Fos­ter and Joel Lu­cas. Ben Fos­ter­Ben Fos­ter is a fourth year mar­ket­ing stu­dent and mem­ber of the men's lacrosse team. Join him in the seg­ment "Maryville Meets Ath­letes" where he g... More »


Maryville Gets Real: Episode 4


On this episode of Maryville Gets Real, Syd­ney and Han­nah in­ter­view a mem­ber of Maryville’s Hil­lel, Emma Socha. Emma talks about how to bal­ance col­lege life with a crazy sched­ule, re­li­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion, and her own pod­cast What’s Hap­pen­ing MU. Tune in now t... More »