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5 posts

What’s Hap­pen­ing MU? Episode 3: Re­view­ing MU!


Emma and Makenna take the Saints on a tour of cam­pus to visit some of their fa­vorite spots and give their rat­ings. Tune in next week to hear all about the best clubs at MU! Make sure to fol­low us @what­shap­pen­ingmu on In­sta­gram and check­out Paw­print’s In­sta @ma... More »


The Eat­ing Habits of Gen­er­a­tion Z


Eat­ing is some­thing that has changed over time due to a num­ber of rea­sons. With changes made to food qual­ity and or­der­ing meth­ods, Fresh Ideas is work­ing to adapt how they cater to the chang­ing needs of Maryville stu­dents. The needs of Gen­er­a­tion Z dif­fer trem... More »


Cook­ing Up Some­thing New in Gan­der


In­side a typ­i­cal cafe­te­ria, there are the usual ar­eas in which cafe­te­rias like to di­vide them­selves into- Asian food, pizza, the grill, what with its burg­ers, fries and other sand­wiches, and of course, a salad bar. This is what Maryville’s din­ing hall, Gan­der,... More »


Trans­form your gan­der ex­pe­ri­ence with these food hacks


Al­though Gan­der of­fers a sur­plus of op­tions in­cor­po­rated through dif­fer­ent sta­tions, it is not un­com­mon for one to get tired of eat­ing the same things re­peat­edly. Whether it’s through uti­liz­ing the salad bar or com­bin­ing items from var­i­ous sta­tions, hack­ing th... More »