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4 posts

Move in St. Lou: Golf­ing


Do you en­joy golf­ing on a long eigh­teen-hole course? No? I don’t ei­ther, but I thor­oughly en­joyed my time at Golf Head­quar­ters. Golf Head­quar­ters, lo­cated in O’­Fal­lon, MO, is known for their eigh­teen-hole course, nine-hole course, dri­ving range, and mini golf ... More »


Move in St. Lou: Run­ning


Chil­dren laugh­ing, birds chirp­ing, and horses run­ning about are things that you will find when vis­it­ing Longview Farm Park. It is lo­cated just three miles from cam­pus. While there, a mul­ti­tude of events of­ten oc­cur such as yoga classes, wed­dings, and eques­tria... More »


Move in St. Lou: Bik­ing


Peace­ful, calm and serene are all things you will find when vis­it­ing the Katy Trail. The Katy Trail is a 237-mile trail stretch­ing across most of Mis­souri. The trail trav­els through Sedalia, Jef­fer­son City, Her­mann, and St. Charles along the Mis­souri River. Th... More »


Move in St. Lou: Hik­ing


Peace­ful, quiet, and a beau­ti­ful at­mos­phere are all things you will ex­pe­ri­ence when em­bark­ing on Bi­son Loop Trail at Lone Elk Park. The Lone Elk Park is a wildlife man­age­ment area where you can see bi­son, deer, elk, and turkey. You can also hike in the park. T... More »