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2 posts

Move in St. Lou: Weightlift­ing


Bright win­dows, open space, and a quiet at­mos­phere are of­fered when vis­it­ing the Si­mon Cen­ter at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. It is a gym that pro­vides a va­ri­ety of weightlift­ing and car­dio equip­ment. The Si­mon Cen­ter is home to two weightlift­ing gyms that are each u... More »


Gym Mo­ti­va­tion Through Mu­sic


All GIFs cour­tesy of gi­phy.com Phys­i­cal ac­tiv­ity: a ma­jor key to stay­ing healthy out­side of proper diet and get­ting your eight hours of sleep. Sure, it might be dif­fi­cult to get mo­ti­vated to go lift heavy things, to run around cam­pus or go meet your sports tea... More »