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3 posts

Saints Sa­vor: Mug Pizza


The mi­crowave meal ad­ven­ture con­tin­ues this week with a mi­crowave­able “cheese pizza in a mug”. Who would have thought that a pizza could be quickly made from scratch and cooked in a mug, let alone in a mi­crowave? Here is the recipe for you to check out for you... More »


Friends by Chance, Room­mates by Choice


In 2013, fresh­men Con­nor Gaby and Sean Sa­lomon met through mu­tual friends while play­ing Xbox. Nei­ther of them could have pre­dicted that they would have be­come great friends and end up as col­lege room­mates five years later.   Con­nor Gaby, from Free­burg, Illi­noi... More »