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3 posts

New to the Lou: Ai, No Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence


I can’t be­lieve I’ve never touched on my new found love and ap­pre­ci­a­tion for a clas­sic Japan­ese cui­sine, SUSHI! As a kid, I was never one to try new things. I’ll have chicken ten­ders, mac and cheese, or straw­ber­ries, please; It was­n’t un­til I turned around 18,... More »


New to the Lou: Con­dado de Fi­esta!


It does­n’t mat­ter what city I’m in. There is one type of cui­sine that I will al­ways seek out no mat­ter where I end up. Mex­i­can! Time to fi­esta like there’s no man­ana at Con­dado Tacos in Ball­park Vil­lage in St. Louis, Mis­souri. If you’re any­thing like me, you l... More »

New to the Lou: Sole Food


It’s quaint, in­ti­mate, and lowkey. It’s lo­cated on the Del­mar Loop in Uni­ver­sity City; Amigo Sole is a Mex­i­can joint that serves au­then­tic Mex­i­can cui­sine. As some­one who lives for a night with friends or fam­ily sat around a bas­ket of chips and salsa, any Mexi... More »