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2 posts

An­a­lyz­ing Naruto & Sasuke’s “Friend­ship”


Some­times in fic­tion, re­la­tion­ships be­tween char­ac­ters in some cases fall flat. Their chem­istry is blandly told in­stead of cre­atively shown, so we’re ex­pected to feel a cer­tain way, but we  per­son­ally can­not feel it. Or per­haps we are ex­pected to be­lieve that ... More »


Cringe or Binge: The Promised Nev­er­land


A ‘2020 Crunchy­roll Anime Award win­ner for Best Fan­tasy and Best An­tag­o­nist’, The Promised Nev­er­land‘s first sea­son is only 12 episodes and is guar­an­teed to keep you on the edge of your seat. The Promised Nev­er­land is an adap­ta­tion of the Japan­ese manga by Kai... More »