
Emma Socha is a fourth-year Com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­jor with a fo­cus on strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tion, a mi­nor in graphic de­sign, and a pas­sion for talk­ing your ear off. As co­host of the video pod­cast What’s Hap­pen­ing, MU, she and her co­host, Makenna, have ded­i­cated their col­lege ca­reers to find­ing out all of the lat­est hap­pen­ings on Maryville Uni­ver­si­ty’s cam­pus. From join­ing CON­NECT as pres­i­dent (and home­com­ing co­or­di­na­tor), work­ing in the Cen­ter for Stu­dent En­gage­ment and Be­long­ing, and do­ing cam­pus Q&As, dat­ing shows, and sports team in­ter­views, she and Makenna have learned it all. As they en­ter their fi­nal se­mes­ter at Maryville, they can’t wait to do it all one last time and leave MU know­ing ex­actly what is hap­pen­ing. 

Makenna Grubb is a fourth-year Com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­jor with an em­pha­sis on emerg­ing me­dia. Makenna has a deep love for telling it like it is, her new Ne­spresso ma­chine, and film­ing day-in-the-life videos but post­ing them three months later. Makenna co­hosts the video pod­cast What’s Hap­pen­ing, MU with her amaz­ingly tal­ented best friend, Emma. Makenna and Emma have a knack for get­ting peo­ple to spill their guts and use that to their ad­van­tage to an­swer the age-old ques­tion: “What’s Hap­pen­ing, MU?” By stop­ping peo­ple on their way to class and ask­ing them “Who’s the hottest per­son at Maryville” or ask­ing the Men’s Vol­ley­ball team if they “lie about their height on the ros­ter” they get to the bot­tom of the ques­tions Maryville stu­dents most want to know. Fol­low @what­shap­pen­ingmu on In­sta­gram to send them your burn­ing ques­tions!

Kayla Niemeyer is a fourth-year com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­jor with an em­pha­sis on emerg­ing me­dia at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. She co-hosts the Paw­Print pod­cast Messy along­side Megan and Tay­lor, where they dis­cuss nav­i­gat­ing life in your early twen­ties. The pod­cast cov­ers re­lat­able top­ics like per­sonal growth, re­la­tion­ships, and the ups and downs. Tune in to Messy for ques­tion­able ad­vice, hot takes on pop cul­ture, and the oc­ca­sional ex­is­ten­tial cri­sis, all brought to you by three friends just try­ing to fig­ure it all out… or at least pre­tend­ing to.

Kathryn Gilliam is a se­nior at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. Kathryn is study­ing Pho­tog­ra­phy and video with a Mi­nor in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. She is team­ing up with  a class­mate to com­mu­ni­cate to fresh­men or peo­ple who are mov­ing out for the first time what things need to be brought and how to start life on a col­lege cam­pus. Kathryn loves pho­tog­ra­phy and dogs, she hopes to be able to travel the world some­day and take amaz­ing pic­tures and cre­ate won­der­ful mem­o­ries. 

Paige Lock­wood is a third-year Com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­jor at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. Her ar­ti­cle se­ries, “The Un­sung Ma­jors of Maryville,” will high­light some of Maryville’s lesser-known ma­jors. She is ex­cited to share stu­dent ex­pe­ri­ences, sto­ries, and in­sights through one-on-one in­ter­views with stu­dents. In her free time, Paige en­joys be­ing out­doors, bak­ing, do­ing puz­zles, and go­ing to the movies.

Anna Kabbes is a third-year Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Sci­ence Dis­or­ders ma­jor with an em­pha­sis on com­mu­ni­ca­tion. She is ex­cited to start her pro­ject, “Life Off Cam­pus” on var­i­ous tips and tricks that every Maryville stu­dent will need to know when mov­ing off cam­pus for the first time. She her­self will be learn­ing along­side her read­ers as she has re­cently moved off-cam­pus and is ex­cited for what the fu­ture holds. Gate­keep­ing is not in An­na’s vo­cab­u­lary, as she loves to share any prod­uct or life hack with any­one she meets! 

Kate­lyn Sut­terer is a third-year Di­rect En­try Phys­i­cal Ther­apy ma­jor with a mi­nor in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Kate­lyn will pub­lish a se­ries of pod­casts with her two close friends dis­cussing side quest ad­ven­tures dur­ing their time in col­lege. In her free time, Kate­lyn en­joys work­ing out, spend­ing time with fam­ily, and be­ing out­doors.

Kate­lyn Ratliff is a third-year Eng­lish ma­jor with mi­nors in both Cre­ative Writ­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Kate­lyn will work with Kate­lyn Latt on a pod­cast where they share sto­ries sub­mit­ted anony­mously about drama with fam­ily, ro­man­tic part­ners, friends, or room­mates, and they de­cide who’s the prob­lem in the sit­u­a­tion. In her free time, Kate­lyn loves to read, write, find new movies and shows to watch, and go shop­ping. 

Megan Crane is a fourth-year com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­jor with an em­pha­sis on strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tion. She co-hosts “Messy,” a video pod­cast about nav­i­gat­ing life in your early twen­ties with her besties Tay­lor and Kayla. When she is­n’t buried un­der a pile of home­work, she can usu­ally be found read­ing ro­mance nov­els or trav­el­ing to Dis­ney World with her fam­ily.

Luiz is a third-year stu­dent at Maryville Uni­ver­sity, where he’s not only fo­cused on his stud­ies but also a key player on the uni­ver­si­ty’s soc­cer team. Orig­i­nally from out­side the U.S., Luiz is liv­ing the life of an in­ter­na­tional stu­dent in Amer­ica, and he’s bring­ing you along for the ride!

This se­mes­ter, Luiz is launch­ing a pro­ject to show­case the highs and lows of be­ing an in­ter­na­tional stu­dent through a fun and hu­mor­ous lens. Whether it’s nav­i­gat­ing cul­tural dif­fer­ences, quirky ex­pe­ri­ences, or soc­cer ad­ven­tures, Luiz is here to share it all with a smile (and maybe a laugh or two). Get ready to see life in Amer­ica from Luiz’s unique per­spec­tive as he brings his story to life in a light­hearted and en­ter­tain­ing way!


Ash­lyn Wal­lis is a se­nior com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­jor with a knack for blend­ing wis­dom with hu­mor. Her Paw­print Pro­ject, “Big Sis Sit­down,” is a pod­cast and Tik­Tok se­ries that dishes out all the real talk on what to ex­pect when step­ping onto cam­pus for the first time. From dorm room dis­as­ters to nav­i­gat­ing the so­cial scene, Ash­lyn’s got it cov­ered with a dose of big-sis­terly ad­vice. Fun fact: when she’s not shar­ing col­lege tips, she’s per­fect­ing her own dorm room come to mou­ton 207 to see for your­self 😉 !

Abi­gail Webb is a third-year com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­jor with a pas­sion for en­ter­tain­ing oth­ers through ef­fec­tive sto­ry­telling. With an in­ter­est in dig­i­tal me­dia and any­thing spooky, Abi­gail loves shar­ing ideas that make peo­ple think. Her Paw­print pro­ject is com­bin­ing all of these through a pod­cast on haunted places around the St. Louis area. She plans to take the au­di­ence on a thrilling jour­ney of the su­per­nat­ural, ex­plain­ing the leg­ends, his­tor­i­cal back­ground, and per­sonal sto­ries. Each episode will un­cover chill­ing tales about lo­cal his­tory and real-life en­coun­ters to keep lis­ten­ers on the edge of their seats. Whether you be­lieve in ghosts or not, this pod­cast will leave you ques­tion­ing what lurks in the shad­ows of St. Louis.  

Eva Rolfe is a Se­nior at Maryville Uni­ver­sity study­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. She has a pas­sion for fash­ion, friends, food, and fun. If there’s one thing she knows, it’s how to en­joy life– and that in­cludes eat­ing well. Her nick­name is “Eva Boss,” so what bet­ter pro­ject name is there than “Boss Bites”? She will be your go-to guide for the best restau­rants around St. Louis, per­fect for Maryville stu­dents who want more than just cam­pus food. Whether you want a quick bite be­tween classes, are plan­ning a fun din­ner with great friends, or need the per­fect date night spot, she’s got you cov­ered!

Jessie Ear­ley is a ju­nior at Maryville Uni­ver­sity ma­jor­ing in Eng­lish and striv­ing for mi­nors in Busi­ness and Cre­ative Writ­ing. She can be found in the class and on the field, as she is on the Maryville Field Hockey team. This se­mes­ter, she is cre­at­ing a new and en­ter­tain­ing YouTube chan­nel called “Half­time,” where she brings lo­cal STL cof­fee shop treats to her fel­low ath­letes to in­ter­view them in their nat­ural habi­tats. She’s will­ing to dive into the deep end to learn a few new skills un­be­knownst to her and maybe dig into some new hob­bies.
