
Somebody Catch That Snitch; Maryville’s Quidditch team

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 For those who don’t know, Quidditch is a sport featured in the author J.K. Rowling’s best-selling Harry Potter series. Since 1997, When Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was first published, many people dreamed of playing Quidditch. In 2005, this dream became a reality. The first United States Quidditch game was played on a beach at Middlebury College in Vermont. From then on, the sport continued to grow with increasing popularity. By 2008, the sport was featured on MTV and USA Today, which continued to increase interest in the sport. By 2012, almost 100 teams were featured in the fifth annual World Cup.                                      

Quidditch at Maryville

New to Maryville, the organization is founded by Jordan Czerniejewski, a freshman cybersecurity major. As in the series, all members of the Quidditch team would be sorted into 4 houses. “A new plan has been formed however. “We will create a club version of the team that would go out and play other colleges.” Czerniejewski “When asked about the long term goals for this club, Jordan answered, “The long term goal is to just have fun playing Quidditch with some new friends and to maybe end up joining the international Quidditch Association. From there maybe going on to be fairly good or maybe even win the national tournament.”


Photo courtesy of usquidditch.org

Now that you know about the back history of Quidditch, it’s time to discuss the rules.


In Quidditch there are seven players on each team. There is one seeker, three chasers, two beaters and one keeper. The seeker’s job is to catch the snitch, which is a runner dressed in complete yellow with a tail attached to it. Once the tail is pulled off of the snitch, the game ends. The chasers’ jobs are to score goals worth 10 points each. The keeper is essentially the goalie and prevents the other team from scoring goals. One important rule is that each team must have a maximum of four teams that identify as the same gender on the field at one time. Please note all players are on broomsticks. 

How can you be a part of Maryville’s Quidditch Team?

Maryville’s Quidditch team is still recruiting members! To be a part of the team, visit their Orgsync page or email Jordan at jczerniejewski@live.maryville.edu. Catch that snitch!


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