
Saints Style: Celebrity Fash­ion at the Os­cars

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Award sea­son is upon us and celebri­ties from a va­ri­ety of in­dus­tries are out wear­ing the best. At Saints Style we pride our­selves in an­a­lyz­ing the lat­est fash­ion trends and these events are no dif­fer­ent. Through­out this ar­ti­cle we will be look­ing at to­day’s biggest names and look­ing at every piece that they wore at the Os­cars Award show, and Van­ity Fair Af­ter party.

To start things out let’s look at this Valentino set worn by ac­tress Zen­daya. The white and glit­tery combo made for a classy look that was still able to have a bit of drama on the bot­tom half. Al­though the top took on a more for­mal tone, the com­bi­na­tion of the two Valentino pieces made for a show stop­ping look that did­n’t need to rely on bright pops of color or a dra­matic hair-do. Over­all Zen­daya looked won­der­ful as she at­tended the award show.

This look comes from af­ter the award show at the Van­ity Fair Af­ter Party. In­flu­encer Emma Cham­ber­lain and singer Tucker Pills­bury ar­rived to­gether in an all black en­sem­ble. The long silky hal­ter dress that Emma wore re­sem­bled many red car­pet looks with the 90s. With the low-back and the slicked back up-do she looks amaz­ing and sleek. Tucker wore a black loose-fit­ting jacket lay­ered over-top a white shirt. He paired this with black pants that co­or­di­nated per­fectly with his date.

This dress was also seen at the car­pet out­side of the Van­ity Fair af­ter the party. Ac­tress Zoe Kravitz wore a long-sleeve white gown that had most of her back ex­posed. As seen in the dress above, the back­less dress phe­nom­e­non is in full swing. The ac­tress opted for more sim­ple jew­elry and a neat up-do to ac­com­pany the out­fit. The out­fits that seemed to stand out this year were the ones that were more sim­ple like Kravitz. The more ex­trav­a­gant looks tended to over­whelm the stars that wore them, in­stead of high­light­ing the tal­ent that the night was meant to honor. Over­all this look was a gor­geous ad­di­tion to the car­pet that night.

The next out­fit came from the Os­cars red car­pet and was worn by Kodi Smit-McPhee. This ac­tor went with a mono­chro­matic suit that re­ally added a nice pas­tel pop of color to the evening. Smit-McPhee rocked this pow­der blue from the col­lar of his dress shirt to the tips of his Bot­tega Veneta boots. The ac­tor was able to pull off an ef­fort­lessly chic look that drew eyes but did not dis­tract from the tal­ented in­di­vid­ual wear­ing it.

Ac­tor Daniel Kalu­uya wore this show-stop­ping suit that daz­zled the Os­cars red car­pet. The pop of color on the out­side of the jacket was able to draw the eye, but the black ac­cents were able to bal­ance out the vi­brant turquoise. The way that this out­fit was able to come to­gether cre­ated a classy and clean look­ing en­sem­ble.

Next up we have ac­tress, Hailee Ste­in­feld, who kept her look sim­ple with a form fit­ting black dress, com­pleted with a white bow. To com­plete the out­fit, Ste­in­feld kept her hair and makeup sub­tle with a mid­dle part and nat­ural makeup look. 

Over­all, the Os­cars brought out some cre­ativ­ity from celebri­ties and de­sign­ers alike. The looks at both the awards show and Van­ity Fair af­ter­party were stun­ning and we will be draw­ing plenty of in­spi­ra­tion from these en­sem­bles in the fu­ture.