
Pat Evers Leads the Saints as Base­ball Head Coach

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Pat Evers is the new head coach for the Maryville Base­ball team. This is his first sea­son coach­ing the Saints af­ter leav­ing Jef­fer­son Col­lege in Hills­boro, MO, where he coached the Vikings since 2014. 

Evers coached 61 NCAA stu­dent-ath­letes and led 20 play­ers in the last four sea­sons to pro­fes­sional con­tracts or the MLB Draft from the uni­ver­sity in Hills­boro, MO. Ad­di­tion­ally, he coached at his for­mer uni­ver­sity, the Uni­ver­sity of Cen­tral Mis­souri, for two sea­sons, where he grad­u­ated with a de­gree in ex­er­cise sci­ence. He has also served as a pitch­ing coach with the Du­luth Huskies and the Quincy Gems and as a head coach for the St. Charles Mules. 

Se­nior Cole Born­hop was on the team at Jef­fer­son Col­lege when Evers coached the Vikings and now plays for the Saints. “Hav­ing played for Evers in the past, he brings a lot to the table in terms of re­ally un­der­stand­ing and re­lat­ing to his play­ers as well as bring­ing a win­ning cul­ture around the team,” Born­hop shares. He be­lieves Evers is, “mak­ing this a very com­pet­i­tive, ‘never quit’ team.”

The sea­son started in Jack­son, TN. Feb. 9, 2019 and ends in Evans­ville, IN. May 4, 2019. Their cur­rent record is 2-9. Their home record is 1-5 and their away record is 1-4. They hope to lead a strong come­back this sea­son, and are also hop­ing to add a field house to their We­ber Field fa­cil­ity in the up­com­ing years.  

The team sup­ports a non profit or­ga­ni­za­tion called “Team Im­pact” that pairs lo­cal chil­dren that have se­ri­ous and chronic dis­eases with col­le­giate teams. “We are paired up with a kid named Alec who is 13. He was di­ag­nosed with can­cer in May of 2015 and we are re­ally close with him. He comes to our games and we have events for him to raise money,” shares Is­sac Parks, right handed pitcher for the Maryville Saints. Parks is orig­i­nally from Boul­der, Col­orado but has found his sec­ond home here in Mis­souri. 

Parks’ fa­vorite as­pect of the sea­son is how, “It’s kind of nice grind­ing with 40 other guys who are all on the same page. We all have one com­mon goal, to go out there and try to do the best that we can.” He be­lieves the “be the best you” mind­set is what truly dri­ves the team to suc­cess. 

The Saints will play the Uni­ver­sity of In­di­anapo­lis this up­com­ing week­end. They have two games Sat­ur­day March 9, one at 12 p.m. and one at 3 p.m. They also have a game Sun­day March 10 at 12 p.m. All three games will be played on Maryville Uni­ver­si­ty’s We­ber Field. 

To keep up with the Saints, fol­low them on Twit­ter or view their sched­ule on­line

“The Calm Before the Storm” on Weber Field. Photo Courtesy of @BaseballMU twitter.
Pat Evers. Photo Courtesy of Maryville University Saints.
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