
Mov­ing into 2017-18 with MSG

• Bookmarks: 18

Maryville Student Government closed out the school year and swore in new officers April 20 at the MSG Induction Ceremony. Retiring President Nicole Pruett made remarks in regards to the accomplishments this school year. 

Some of the ma­jor ac­com­plish­ments in­cluded:

  • Created an academic leadership team to create improved use of Canvas and received feedback from students and professors.
  • Reached out to national food brands to start the planning stages of bringing a chain to campus.
  • Created more efficient and longer dining hall hours.
  • Created a round table for all student leaders to collaborate and share ideas.
  • Improved relationships between students, student leaders and faculty/staff members.
  • Created better representation for all organizations on campus.
  • Enhanced relationships between the leaders and members of the 102 student organizations.

Brian Gardner, MSG adviser, said in regards to Pruett, “She has definitely put student leadership on a new level. She has been a great leader.”

The cer­e­mony awarded mem­bers of stu­dent gov­ern­ment for a year of hard work. “All of our se­niors have played a key role in us ad­vanc­ing this year,” Pruett said.

Ashley Berger, Carly Johnson, Rafael Colberg, Tai Wilson and Janelle Saunders were recognized for being outstanding student leaders this past year. 

The senator of the year award goes to someone who has put in extra effort and played a crucial role in advancing MSG. This year, senator of the year was awarded to two MSG members. The winners were Brie Howerton and April Stitch. 

Members of the cabinet were also recognized for outstanding service. The members included Kayley Johns, Kathleen Giang, Rebecca Woltemath, Carli Henrotay and Brandon Kattenbraker.

Cur­rent vice pres­i­dent, Kay­ley Johns, was rec­og­nized for four years of ser­vice in stu­dent gov­ern­ment. She has served var­i­ous roles in MSG through­out her time at Maryville.

The ex­ec­u­tive board for the 2017-18 aca­d­e­mic school year was sworn in. The mem­bers are Re­becca Woltemath, April Stitch, Brie How­er­ton and Ash­ley Berger.

New sen­a­tors sworn in in­clude: Talya Azar, Darah Bal­lard, Ellen Fos­ter, Yas­mine Ghohmi, Hira Hami­rani, Sha­had Meg­dad, Sarah Rose, Tatum Sharp, Vic­to­ria Tram­mell, Mar­i­lyn Vazquez, Al­riel Watkins and Rachel Wentler.

The 2017-18 senators for MSG. Photo courtesy of Tanner Butler.

The new stu­dent body pres­i­dent, Kath­leen Gi­ang, was sworn in. “I feel re­ally grate­ful to be stand­ing here to­day. I re­ally could not have ac­com­plished this with­out every­body,” Gi­ang said.

New student body president, Kathleen Giang, uses her gavel for the first time. Photo courtesy of Tanner Butler.

She has made plans to im­prove stu­dent life on cam­pus. Some of her ideas to im­prove stu­dent life on cam­pus in­clude:

  • Redefining the role of student government by creating a stronger structure. This will allow students to be more involved and create better relationships. MSG wants to give every student the greatest college experience possible.
  • Increasing communication between student leaders through four yearly meetings.
  • “We will be working with Fresh Ideas to come up with some fresh ideas,” Giang said.

Next year will be busy for all student government members. Many changes will be initiated and student leaders are already hard at work. 

Higher officials have been recognized and sworn in, but Maryville Student Government still has more room for members. Students can apply for a position and serve on one of many committees. 

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