
Move in St. Lou: Weightlift­ing

• Bookmarks: 1

Bright win­dows, open space, and a quiet at­mos­phere are of­fered when vis­it­ing the Si­mon Cen­ter at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. It is a gym that pro­vides a va­ri­ety of weightlift­ing and car­dio equip­ment. The Si­mon Cen­ter is home to two weightlift­ing gyms that are each unique to one an­other.

The Si­mon Cen­ter was built in 1980 in honor of John E. Si­mon. Since then, the build­ing has been re­mod­eled to keep up with the chang­ing times. Here, you can find many ma­chines for fac­ulty and stu­dents to use at no cost.

Ethan Yano, a fresh­man at Maryville Uni­ver­sity has just started get­ting into work­ing out. He wanted to find a lo­ca­tion that worked for what he needed. Ethan now of­ten vis­its the Si­mon Cen­ter in the evenings. Ethan says, “I en­joy go­ing to the Si­mon Cen­ter be­cause it is not su­per crowded and free to use. I also like how they have. a wide va­ri­ety of equip­ment.”

Al­though the Si­mon Cen­ter may be smaller than other com­mer­cial gyms, it has a large amount of equip­ment. They keep their car­dio equip­ment in the gym on the side of the build­ing with all of the win­dows. They have tread­mills, bikes, stair step­pers, el­lip­ti­cals, and free weights. The gym at the back of the build­ing is de­signed for more heavy lift­ing. They have equip­ment such. as squat racks, benches, free weights, and bars for ex­er­cises such as bench press­ing and rdls.

Photo courtesy of Katelyn Sutterer

Austyn Jansen, a sopho­more at Maryville Uni­ver­sity, also en­joys vis­it­ing the Si­mon Cen­ter in the morn­ings. Austyn men­tioned the “friendly at­mos­phere” Maryville stu­dents pro­vide when she sees them. Austyn said, “I en­joy see­ing fa­mil­iar faces when I walk in. It’s nice to feel a sense of rou­tine.” Along with Austyn, I feel other stu­dents have the same opin­ion.

As a broke col­lege stu­dent who likes to try unique equip­ment, the Si­mon Cen­ter is the per­fect place to be. With it be­ing lo­cated right on cam­pus, it could­n’t be in a more ideal lo­ca­tion. At the most, it takes a cou­ple of min­utes to walk from across cam­pus. I en­cour­age every­one to visit the Si­mon Cen­ter, lo­cated next to Mou­ton Hall and across from LJ’s.

Fol­low me this se­mes­ter as I find unique ex­er­cise lo­ca­tions through­out St. Louis!

The Si­mon Cen­ter’s hours vary daily; more in­for­ma­tion can be found be­low.
