Peaceful, calm and serene are all things you will find when visiting the Katy Trail. The Katy Trail is a 237-mile trail stretching across most of Missouri. The trail travels through Sedalia, Jefferson City, Hermann, and St. Charles along the Missouri River.
The Katy Trail allows a sense of escape from the real world. While on it, you feel as if all your troubles have disappeared. It is a great way to reconnect with nature while separated from vehicles and loud noises. If hiking is too much walking for you, but you still want to be outside, the Katy Trail is the perfect place. Along with biking, the Katy Trail offers hiking and equestrian trails for everyone’s enjoyment.
The park was not initially created for biking. Before it was a bike trail, it was a railroad that traveled across most of Missouri. The Missouri State Park’s Association said, “The park, built on the former corridor of the Missouri-Kansas Texas Railroad, is 240 miles long and runs between Clinton and Machens.” The trail follows towns that once thrived along the railroad corridor. Though the trail isn’t what it once was, it is a beautiful way to see Missouri’s history while being active.

Reese Kline, a second-year physical therapy major at Maryville University, biked the trail with me. She said, “It was interesting to see how the landscape changed from one location to another. It kept me occupied the entire time we were riding.” Obviously, we were unable to bike the entire trail, but the section we did do was mainly overlooking corn fields and woods. One minute, you can’t see anything except the trees around you; the next, you can see for miles.
Reese also mentioned, “The people we met were all very polite and friendly. They were all curious where we were from and if we biked often.” The Katy Trail gives a sense of what the state of Missouri represents. Everyone here is kind and caring about one another. People love to be active and outdoors in their communities. If we needed any help or assistance on the trail, anyone we passed would have been more than willing to lend a hand.

The Katy Trail stretching from each end of Missouri is unique and exciting. You won’t find anything else like it in the Midwest. I encourage everyone to visit the Katy Trail, which is located closest between St. Charles and Chesterfield, around twenty minutes from Maryville University.
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More information on the Katy Trail is available in the link below.