
Mens In­line Hockey Team on the Road to Na­tion­als

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Team Logo. Courtesy of @MUroller twitter account.

Ranked first in the Great Plains League, the Maryville Men’s In­line Hockey team, has se­cured their bid for the na­tional tour­na­ment in April. The team con­tin­ues to gain no­to­ri­ety through­out the Na­tional Col­le­giate Roller Hockey As­so­ci­a­tion.

Prior to meet­ing the Maryville Saints Jan. 26, Kansas State had been un­de­feated. In an epic game, Maryville pre­vailed and brought home a 5-3 win.

Maryville for­ward, Ed­die Wright, and de­fense­men, Bryant Web­ster, en­joyed this win as they came out on top against some of Kansas State’s top play­ers, which hap­pened to be some of their friends.

Wright is cur­rently a ju­nior in the Sports Busi­ness Man­age­ment pro­gram from Brent­wood, MO, while Web­ster is from Im­pe­r­ial, MO and is a grad­u­ate stu­dent work­ing to­ward get­ting his Mas­ters in Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion. Both play a lot of hockey in their free time and work at Ab­strakt Mar­ket­ing, an in­tern­ship on cam­pus.

The two joined the in­line team as there was not orig­i­nally an ice hockey team to join at Maryville when they first started. When asked about the strengths of the hockey team, both Ed­die and Bryant agreed that their ca­ma­raderie and broth­er­hood stand out and are the biggest mo­ti­vat­ing fac­tors for the team.

Wright and Web­ster of­fered the idea of a com­pe­ti­tion be­tween the Maryville In­line Hockey team and the Ice hockey team. They ex­plained how their team would like to chal­lenge the ice team to a match for char­ity, on ice.

To fol­low the team through­out the rest of their sea­son be sure to fol­low them on  twit­ter, and check out their up­com­ing games.


Inline Hockey Team Picture. Photo Courtesy of @MUroller twitter account.


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