
Meet Me In The Lou: The Ul­ti­mate Food­ies Tour

Photo Courtesy of Adam Eveker

I have a sus­pi­cion that when­ever some­one asks you, “Where do you wanna go eat?” You would prob­a­bly end up mum­bling, “ I don’t know you choose,” this cy­cle will con­tinue for the next sev­eral min­utes un­til one of you says you should go to your usual spot be­cause it’s re­li­able. 

Photo Courtesy of Adam Eveker

I have been guilty of this con­ver­sa­tion more of­ten than I ad­mit. How­ever, re­cently, I have been get­ting bet­ter at an­swer­ing the ques­tion by of­fer­ing the other per­son or peo­ple a type of food, and then we can nar­row it down from that. As you read this ar­ti­cle, I will pro­vide you with a guide to some of the spots around St. Louis and its rich his­tory, re­gard­ing its dessert places and its Ital­ian her­itage back­ground.

One day, I was out with a friend, and she sug­gested that we go and get Ital­ian food be­cause she loves pasta. So I sug­gested we look at The Hill, lo­cated in St. Louis just south of For­est Park. The Hill is the place to be when it comes to eat­ing good Ital­ian food or just learn­ing about the Ital­ian her­itage that is now across St. Louis. The Hill of­fers plenty of fam­ily-owned restau­rants and bak­eries across its fifty-two square block sec­tion. If you want to get a glimpse of the restau­rants that The Hill has to of­fer, feel free to “Click Here” and ex­plore more.

Kayla Barton, a third-year nursing student at Maryville University, said, “The Hill has always been one of my favorite places to eat, especially when I’m craving Italian food. Since my dad’s family is primarily Italian, I’ve been so used to being surrounded by Italian heritage and traditions. The Hill has been a great spot if I’m ever missing that extra love that my relatives used to give me.” 

My next sug­ges­tion on the ul­ti­mate food­ies tour of St. Louis is to know ex­actly where the best dessert spots are and how much they will cost. When you think of St. Louis, the ex­ten­sive dessert spot is Ted Drewes Frozen Cus­tard. Al­though it is a lit­tle pricey, up­wards of $5-10 a per­son, it is up there with one of the best ice cream and cus­tards I have ever had in my en­tire life. It is also about a 20-minute drive from cam­pus to Chippewa and Jamieson, where the shop is lo­cated, but it could be worth your time. 

Photo Courtesy of Adam Eveker

Patrick Eveker, a 4th-year business administration student at Maryville University, told me that “Ted Drewes was always a staple for after every single one of my home football games in high school. It was always a great place to go and hang out with my friends.” I do have to add that it is always crowded throughout the entire day from when they open to when they close, so it might take you a little while to get your sweet treat, but it is worth the wait. 

To wrap up, this ar­ti­cle will only point out a sliver of what the great city of St. Louis has to of­fer. So I would sug­gest to you that when­ever you get asked the ques­tion “Where do you want to go eat?” You can have an an­swer queued up in your mind so that you don’t end up be­ing in that end­less cy­cle of gulli­bil­ity. 

Lou’s High­lights: 

Through­out these ar­ti­cles, I would like to add a lit­tle sec­tion called Lou’s High­lights, where I can add some di­a­monds in the rough for you to go out and ex­plore. My first di­a­mond in the rough is a dessert place named Twisted Rolls Chim­ney Cake. Lo­cated off High­way 141 and Man­ches­ter, this place will twist your per­cep­tion of dessert. It is a place where you can get ice cream on top of cakes; in my opin­ion, it is ab­solutely de­li­cious. I got their Oreo fla­vor, which was gooey but also cold and sweet, which made it so good that I sug­gested it to my fam­ily to go and try. If you want to learn more about Twisted Rolls “Click Here” 

I found an­other di­a­mond in the rough re­gard­ing dessert places in St. Louis, Clemen­tine Naughty & Nice Ice Cream. This does­n’t nec­es­sar­ily com­pete all too well com­pared to the other one. How­ever, the aes­thetic of the busi­ness was like no other, lo­cated right off of Clay­ton Rd and S Ma­son. The store was packed and filled with hun­gry cus­tomers. But as soon as I got up to or­der, I could see why it was good but also wrong. I or­dered a small gooey but­ter cake ice cream, which ended up be­ing close to $5, which I was not ex­pect­ing. But I will say that it was one of the finest ice creams I have ever had. It was very rich in fla­vor while also be­ing very con­sis­tent through­out the en­tire cup. I be­lieve Clemen­tines is a great place to try with your friends, but be aware of the pric­ing. If you want to learn more about Twisted Rolls “Click Here”