
Maryville Soc­cer – Spring Sea­son Re­cap

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It’s been a busy spring for the Maryville Men’s Soc­cer team this spring as they are head­ing into the last two weeks of their spring sea­son. The Saints have played six games so far, with an un­of­fi­cial record of 2-3-1 fac­ing a bunch of lo­cal teams around the St.Louis area. “It has been an ex­cit­ing cou­ple of weeks for us so far. Our team has cer­tainly come a long way since the be­gin­ning of the year, and it has been a good ex­pe­ri­ence for us fac­ing teams like St.Louis City FC, SIUE, and EIU.” Coach Korn stated in an in­ter­view. The Saints are play­ing Cen­tral Methodist Uni­ver­sity in the up­com­ing week, which will be the last spring sea­son game be­fore the boys go home for sum­mer. 

Coach Korn fur­ther ex­pressed his ex­cite­ment re­gard­ing the spring sea­son stat­ing that “this time of the year is an ex­cel­lent time for us to get bet­ter and fur­ther de­velop things we might don’t have time for in the fall. In the spring sea­son,  we get to chance to build on our suc­cess from last year to best pre­pare us for the up­com­ing sea­son. This is also a good time for us to build our fit­ness and fo­cus more on in­di­vid­ual per­for­mance both tech­ni­cally on the field, and phys­i­cally in the gym.”

The Saints have al­ready started to pre­pare for the fall sea­son, and have al­ready brought in three play­ers to strengthen their squad. These three play­ers have been in­tro­duced in my pre­vi­ous ar­ti­cles; Con­nor Jok­erst, Al­bert Es­cuin, and Joshua Schmitt. In ad­di­tion to this year’s new­com­ers, the Saints are still look­ing to bring in a cou­ple of play­ers over the sum­mer. It is still un­known how many, but it is likely that two more play­ers are get­ting signed within the next cou­ple of weeks.

Since spring break, two big an­nounce­ments have been made from Lin­den­wood Uni­ver­sity and the Uni­ver­sity Of South­ern In­di­ana stat­ing that they will leave the con­fer­ence, as they are go­ing D1. How this is go­ing to im­pact the GLVC con­fer­ence and the Sain­t’s fall sea­son is still un­clear. That be­ing said, Maryville Uni­ver­sity, just an­nounced the con­struc­tion of a new sport­ing fa­cil­ity is un­der­way. This is ex­cit­ing news for the whole com­mu­nity as this will be the new home of Maryville’s bas­ket­ball, vol­ley­ball, wrestling, and Soc­cer team. The pro­ject also in­cludes a five-story res­i­den­tial hall that will ac­com­mo­date 400 stu­dents over 6,000 square feet of re­tail space that will be avail­able to the pub­lic. The ma­jor­ity of the 1,300 park­ing spots re­quired for the pro­ject will be con­tained within a park­ing garage. The prop­erty would also in­clude out­door plazas, walk­ing path­ways, and bike routes for stu­dents and the com­mu­nity.