How's Your New Life

• Bookmarks: 8

Over 30 new in­ter­na­tional stu­dents were wel­comed to Maryville’s cam­pus this spring se­mes­ter. Stu­dents came from Nepal, Saudi Ara­bia and all over the world, leav­ing their home­towns, fam­i­lies, and friends. Their new lives have just started in U.S. Ex­cit­ing ex­pe­ri­ences in Maryville are wait­ing for them.

When a Maryville stu­dent from Nepal, Nick Shrestha, was asked about his life in the United States, he said, “Ac­tu­ally this is the first time to come to the United States and study­ing here was one of my dreams. Beau­ti­ful build­ings, scenery and nice peo­ple make me ex­cited, so my new life is good,” Nick said.

The United States is the one of the most pop­u­lar coun­tries for in­ter­na­tional stu­dents around the world. There are over 17 mil­lion uni­ver­si­ties in this coun­try. More de­tail is Here. Then why did he choose to study at Maryville from a lot of uni­ver­si­ties? “First of all, peo­ple in Maryville and stuffs are re­ally friendly. They were so kind for me. And ed­u­ca­tion sys­tem is bet­ter than my home coun­try. Pro­gram­ming and stuffs which I wanted to study are avail­able in here.” He said. Choos­ing the best fit­ted school is not easy for stu­dents, how­ever he could reach Maryville and is ex­cited to learn sur­rounded by good en­vi­ron­ment. Fi­nally, “Af­ter study­ing here, I would like to ex­plore by soft­ware for my fam­i­ly’s busi­ness. Now my fa­ther is do­ing gar­ment fac­tory in my home coun­try, so the knowl­edges and skills which I learned will uti­lize for his busi­ness, and home coun­try.” He told his fu­ture goal.

Nearly one month has past since the be­gin­ning of the spring se­mes­ter. New in­ter­na­tional stu­dents may get used to live in here grad­u­ally. They will be able to en­joy a lot of cam­pus events or amaz­ing ex­pe­ri­ences at the same time. Col­lege life at Maryville will be great for them!

8 recommended