
How to Cel­e­brate Moth­er’s Day

Photo courtesy of Maryville University via Instagram.

Across the Maryville cam­pus, stu­dents, fac­ulty and staff cel­e­brate Moth­er’s Day in many dif­fer­ent ways. This year, Moth­er’s Day takes place Sun­day, May 12. 

While hol­i­days are cel­e­brated dif­fer­ently across the board, Moth­er’s Day typ­i­cally in­volves pre­sent­ing moth­ers with cards, flow­ers and other gifts.

Moth­er’s day orig­i­nated in the United States, and it is cel­e­brated on the sec­ond Sun­day in May. Many other coun­tries also cel­e­brate the hol­i­day on this date, while some mark the ob­ser­vance at other times of the year.

There are many ways you can cel­e­brate your mother on this year’s Moth­er’s Day. Some ideas in­clude plan­ning a trip out-of-state, a trip to the zoo, or even at a cel­e­bra­tory din­ner. 

For Maryville Stu­dent, Hai­ley McIn­tosh, Moth­er’s Day is usu­ally cel­e­brated through din­ner with her mother. In the St. Louis area, there are many restau­rant op­tions to make the hol­i­day spe­cial.

“Every Moth­er’s day, my mom and I pick a new restau­rant that we’ve never been to,” says Hai­ley McIn­tosh, a Maryville stu­dent.

If Moth­er’s day sneaks up on you this year, you may be scram­bling for a gift last minute. For Maryville stu­dent, Emma Pin­son, she tries to think ahead so she is pre­pared.

“I try to not put off get­ting my mother a gift each year, but it can be hard to get my Mom what she wants be­cause there are so many op­tions,” said Pin­son.

If you’re plan­ning your gift in ad­vance, a per­son­al­ized Moth­er’s Day pre­sent is one of the ways you can show your af­fec­tion. 

Some ideas of this in­clude a photo neck­lace, home­made art, a card or even a framed photo. Un­like a quick gift you’ve picked up the mall, a per­son­al­ized gift serves to carry more mean­ing. 

Make this Moth­er’s Day spe­cial for your mom by us­ing these tips for this hol­i­day. Share with us how you plan to spend your Moth­er’s Day this year on our In­sta­gram!