…For the Dummies or Just the Broke College Student
By: Popoai Tanuvasa- Lole
Hey guys, my name is Popoai and I am a current Junior here at Maryville University. This is my very first article on PAWPRINTs website so let me introduce myself ! I have a double major in Psychology and Organizational Leadership with a Minor in Communication. I am also a part of the Multicultural Scholars Program and the President of the Hawaiian Asian and Pacific Islander Association here on campus.
I know that currently we all have been affected by the Corona Virus in one way or another. From now having to take classes on Zoom to Social Distancing. I think we can all agree that this semester has been pretty grim thus far. Schools, nonessential stores, and businesses across the country have shut down to help with containment efforts. Although these measures are now necessary to stop the mass spread of the virus, it has left many people without a job.

Personally, as a college student, I work two jobs, both of which have been closed due to recent events. With that being said, and student loans and debt looming, one thing I have had to learn, which is something I never thought I’d have to do, was file for unemployment. Honestly, I feel that the current school system doesn’t really teach the proper skills about “Adulting.” That is, essential skills needed to simply live in the United States and function as an independent individual. Such as filing your taxes each year, building credit, how to pay your bills/budgeting. Most of the real life skills I have learned I have learned by myself, or outside of school .
So you can imagine the shock that a young college student who is financially independent might feel when being put out of work and being told to simple “figure it out.” I was terrified of what might happen. However, after consulting the my personal life coach ( aka my mother) it really isn’t as daunting as it seems. Here are some quick and easy steps to file for unemployment to help alleviate some of that financial stress if your job has been closed because of the virus as well !

- Google “Unemployment Insurance” and whatever state you are from, this will bring you to your specific states department of employment security website !
Here is an example : https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default.aspx
Create a username and/or password in order to log in to an account to file for unemployment benefits.

2. Carefully follow the instructions to avoid claim delays
3. You’ll receive a confirmation of your claim once your application is processed.
4. Receive your benefits while you are out of work !!!