
Drum­roll, Please: MU’s Fa­vorite Restau­rant is…

• Bookmarks: 11

We all know that Gan­der can get a bit repet­i­tive, so where do stu­dents go to eat to­gether off cam­pus?

An ini­tial sur­vey was spread around so­cial me­dia and email. In just three days, over 247 stu­dents weighed in with their opin­ions. Af­ter the var­i­ous out­liers were taken out of the data, 203 votes gave the data used in the graph to the left. With this data, it is clear that El Maguey and Fuzzy’s were in close com­pe­ti­tion for the ti­tle of Maryville’s fa­vorite restau­rant.

An­other sur­vey was con­ducted. This time, it was face-to-face as a com­pe­ti­tion be­tween the two Mex­i­can restau­rants, El Maguey and Fuzzy’s.

In the head-to-head com­pe­ti­tion, El Maguey beat Fuzzy’s. Over 150 stu­dents voted in the sec­ond round of com­pe­ti­tion and nearly 75 per­cent of stu­dent said that El Maguey was their fa­vorite.

What stu­dents are say­ing about el maguey

“Our waiter Tim is al­ways pre­pared when the Maryville peo­ple come in. It is a great en­vi­ron­ment to have a good time on the week­end. Also, be­cause every­one goes there at the same time, so you get to hang out with a va­ri­ety of Maryville peo­ple.”

-Emily Hawkins, ju­nior

“I grew up go­ing to El Mags so I love go­ing there. It’s fairly cheap, the food is good and you can’t for­get about the mar­gar­i­tas.”

-Nathan Vorel, se­nior

“I love eat­ing at El Mags, be­cause it’s close to cam­pus and cheap. I love the at­mos­phere. The work­ers are fun and it’s a place all my friends can go to hang out. Also, you can’t beat their queso!”

-Leah Dents, sopho­more

Re­sponse from the el maguey staff

“I am so ex­cited. We are all fam­ily here and we try to treat every­one the same. We are al­ways happy to see the Maryville stu­dents fill up the restau­rant on Thurs­day nights. I am so happy and thank­ful,” said Tim­o­teo Gar­cia Bazan, owner of El Maguey restau­rant.

The owner was pre­sented with the plaque pic­tured to the right. He also added that he wel­comes all mem­bers of the Maryville com­mu­nity with open arms and in­vites them to join them in cel­e­brat­ing Cinco de Mayo at the restau­rant. They will have live mu­sic and the en­tire day will be a vi­brant cel­e­bra­tion.

If you haven’t tried Maryville’s fa­vorite restau­rant by now, it’s time to stop over and greet the Gar­cia fam­ily.


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