
🦃 Din­ner and a Movie Episode 3 | Thanks­giv­ing Edi­tion 🥧- Pump­kin Pie Twists + Fa­vorite Fall Movies *FAIL*

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On the third episode of this “chat-and-cook-with-us” pod­cast, twins Tay­lor and Hai­ley em­brace the fall sea­son with a Thanks­giv­ing-themed treat and dis­cuss their fa­vorite movies to watch dur­ing the fall time. 


In­gre­di­ents 🧈:

  1. (1) tube of refrigerated cres­cent roll dough
  2. (1/​2) cup pump­kin puree
  3. (1/​4) cup brown sugar
  4. (1) ta­ble­spoon maple syrup
  5. (1) tea­spoon pump­kin spice
  6. (2) ta­ble­spoons melted but­ter
  7. (1) ta­ble­spoon sugar
  8. (1/​2) tea­spoon cin­na­mon
  9. Whipped cream for dip­ping 

In­struc­tions 📝:

  1. Pre­heat the oven to 375F. Line a bak­ing sheet with parch­ment pa­per.
  2. In a small bowl, mix to­gether the pump­kin puree, brown sugar, maple syrup, and pump­kin spice.
  3. Un­roll cres­cent dough on a cut­ting board. Cut the dough in half so you have two iden­ti­cal rec­tan­gles and lay them be­side each other.
  4. Evenly spread the pump­kin mix­ture over one of the rec­tan­gles of dough.
  5. Place the sec­ond rec­tan­gle of dough on top of the first rec­tan­gle of dough (so the pump­kin mix­ture is sand­wiched be­tween them). Make sure you line up all the edges.
  6. Use a pizza cut­ter to cut the dough into strips ap­prox­i­mately 3/​4 inch wide.
  7. Trans­fer the strips to the parch­ment-lined bak­ing sheet.
  8. Twist each strip by pick­ing up one end and twist­ing it twice, then pick­ing up the other end and twist­ing it an­other two or three times.
  9. Brush melted but­ter gen­er­ously over each twist.
  10. Mix to­gether the sugar and cin­na­mon then sprin­kle evenly over each twist.
  11. Bake at 375F for 8-11 min­utes un­til golden brown.

Recipe cour­tesy of One Lit­tle Pro­ject

Men­tioned Links:

  1. The Bold Type
  2. The Queen’s Gambit
  3. Bread Co. Flatbread Pizza
  4. The Grilled Cheeserie – Nashville
  5. Hattie B’s – Nashville
  6. Legendairy Milkshake Bar – Nashville

Fa­vorite Fall Movies List:

  1. The Blind Side (2009)
  2. Prisoners (2013)
  3. Little Women (2019)
  4. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)