
Din­ner and a Movie Ep 1: The World’s Eas­i­est Donut Holes + 2020 Em­my’s Re­cap

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On the first episode of this “chat-and-cook-with-us” pod­cast, twin sis­ters Tay­lor and Hai­ley in­tro­duce them­selves with a sim­ple and de­li­cious donut hole recipe while re­cap­ping on 2020 Em­my’s mo­ments from Zen­daya’s big win to Schit­t’s Creek’s com­edy sweep. 


In­gre­di­ents 🧈

  1. (1) can of bis­cuits
  2. (1) ta­ble­spoon of cin­na­mon
  3. (1/​2) cup of sugar
  4. (6) ta­ble­spoons of but­ter

In­struc­tions 📝:

  1. Pre­heat your oven to 350 de­grees.
  2. Mi­crowave the but­ter in a small bowl un­til thor­oughly melted.
  3. In a sep­a­rate bowl, com­bine the sugar and cin­na­mon to­gether.
  4. Open up the bis­cuits and cut all 8 of them into quar­ters.
  5. Roll the dough pieces into balls, drench them in the but­ter and then roll them in the cin­na­mon-sugar mix­ture.
  6. Place them in a greased shal­low bak­ing dish and bake for 15-20 min­utes.

Link to full recipe

2020 Em­my’s Re­cap Links

  1. Schitt’s Creek Comedy Sweep
  2. Storm Reid’s Reaction to Zendaya Win
  3. Zendaya Win for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
  4. Friends Reunion
  5. Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington New Years Eve Party
  6. Jason Bateman Appearance in Opening Monologue
  7. Emmy’s Fashion

Other Men­tioned Links:

  1. Red Robin: Wedgie Burger
  2. Chili’s: 3 for $10 – Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadillas
  3. Dune (2020) Trailer
  4. Dune Book
  5. Fall Clothing Hauls – YouTube – Miss Rylee Jade