
De­light at Maryville Uni­ver­sity

• Bookmarks: 1

De­light is a Wom­en’s Chris­t­ian com­mu­nity that has formed across many col­lege cam­puses. Maryville Uni­ver­sity is a proud home to their own De­light group, which fos­ters con­ver­sa­tion and re­li­gious trans­for­ma­tions. Al­though, the Chris­t­ian group strays away from be­ing a tra­di­tional “Bible study”, the group is more a place to hang­out with oth­ers and of­fers safe con­ver­sa­tion. 

The spir­i­tual group is ori­ented around invit­ing other col­lege women to the Christ-cen­tered com­mu­nity, as it fos­ters growth and trans­for­ma­tion in their faith. 

Part of the group dis­cus­sion re­volves around the “De­light” book. The book shares sto­ries of Chris­t­ian women at other col­leges and their be­liefs and thoughts. 

The spir­i­tual group sup­ports many char­i­ties in the St. Louis com­mu­nity and meets every Tues­day, of­ten spon­sor­ing events to ben­e­fit the char­i­ties.  At the Tues­day, March 6th meet­ing, the group cre­ated tie blan­kets for BJC hos­pice pa­tients. 

Once a se­mes­ter, De­light spon­sors a “wor­ship” night where they in­vite all mem­bers of the Maryville Com­mu­nity to join to­gether for many fun ac­tiv­i­ties. The night typ­i­cally in­volves food and group-led songs. Through this group singing, con­nec­tions are formed with those around. 

Fresh­man Bri Laster be­lieves the group is a “nice way to meet new friends and of­fers a sup­port sys­tem out­side of every­thing go­ing on in my reg­u­lar col­lege life”.

Sim­i­larly, fresh­man Ad­di­son De­v­ers shares, “I love the in­clu­sive com­mu­nity at­mos­phere where I feel com­fort­able shar­ing my thoughts about my faith.” 

To join the spir­i­tual com­mu­nity, meet the group at the Mc­Nally house on Tues­day nights at 5 p.m. 

To keep up with their events, fol­low the group on in­sta­gram

Friends at Delight. Photo Courtesy of Bri Laster.
Delight Leader Event. Photo Courtesy of Bri Laster.