

Videos produced by Maryville Pawprint.

60 posts

Half­time: episode 1


Half­time in­ter­views 3 Maryville Wom­en's field hockey play­ers about their sport and their per­sonal lives. They were sup­plied with a sweet treat from a lo­cal STL cof­fee spot be­fore the in­ter­view and had a blast with Half­time's min­nie mics. Wom­en's field hockey t... More »

What the Heck Hap­pened MU?!


What the Heck Hap­pened, MU? We know… we’ve been on quite the hia­tus. Un­like your fa­vorite boy bands, we are back in ac­tion for our last se­mes­ter at MU! We can’t wait to catch you up on every­thing that hap­pened in the past two years. As you’ll see, it was a *li... More »


Messy Episode 1- Wel­come to Be­ing in Your 20s


Wel­come to Messy, a pod­cast that will be ad­dress­ing the strug­gles, chaos, and high­lights of be­ing in your 20s! Grow­ing up can be chal­leng­ing, so join Megan, Tay­lor, and Kayla for a dis­cus­sion on the re­al­i­ties of be­ing in this pe­riod of life. In our first episo... More »

Cof­fee Chron­i­cles


Wel­come to the Cof­fee Chron­i­cles! Ex­plor­ing St. Louis, one cof­fee shop at a time! Each week, I’ll fea­ture a new lo­cal café within 30 min­utes of Maryville Uni­ver­sity—per­fect for study­ing, hang­ing out, or just grab­bing a great cup of cof­fee. Whether you’re looki... More »


ONLY FRIENDZ | small cir­cle vs. big cir­cle


Our first episode dives into the topic of hav­ing a small cir­cle or a lot of friends. Tune in to hear our per­sonal jour­neys through the twists and turns of high school, the chal­lenges of nav­i­gat­ing friend­ships dur­ing the COVID-19 era, and the roller­coaster ride... More »

Meet The Coach


Tyler Ste­gall hosts Maryville Uni­ver­si­ty’s head wrestling coach, Mike Den­ney. Tyler Ste­gall­More Posts More »


What’s Hap­pen­ing, MU? Episode 4: The Trav­el­ing Hot­seat


In this weeks episode Emma and Makenna once again ven­ture around MU to ask the Saints some per­sonal and fun ques­tions. Tune in to find out what the last text Lucy sent to her mom is and Car­l’s least fa­vorite ma­jor. And that’s What’s Hap­pen­ing, MU! SochaMore Po... More »


What’s Hap­pen­ing MU? Episode 3: Re­view­ing MU!


Emma and Makenna take the Saints on a tour of cam­pus to visit some of their fa­vorite spots and give their rat­ings. Tune in next week to hear all about the best clubs at MU! Make sure to fol­low us @what­shap­pen­ingmu on In­sta­gram and check­out Paw­print’s In­sta @ma... More »