

2 posts

Maryville Soc­cer Player Spot­light – Mirza Hase­cic


Mirza Hase­cic, a Saints soc­cer star, has had a fan­tas­tic sea­son last year at Maryville Uni­ver­sity. Hase­cic was named to the United Soc­cer Coach­es’ first team for the 2021 sea­son at the end of the sea­son, one of many ac­co­lades the se­nior mid­fielder has earned d... More »


Maryville Soc­cer – Spring Sea­son Re­cap


It’s been a busy spring for the Maryville Men’s Soc­cer team this spring as they are head­ing into the last two weeks of their spring sea­son. The Saints have played six games so far, with an un­of­fi­cial record of 2-3-1 fac­ing a bunch of lo­cal teams around the St.... More »