
99 Prob­lems but Hous­ing Ain't One

• Bookmarks: 9

Maryville University provides students several options to choose from when it comes to living on campus. There are four different residence halls: Mouton, Potter, Saints, and the Hilltop Apartments. Each residence hall offers a unique living experience for the students.

Mou­ton Hall

Mou­ton Hall, the old­est and cheap­est res­i­den­tial hall, is a tra­di­tional dorm setup with com­mu­nity show­ers and bath­rooms. There are four floors, three of which stu­dents can live on. The first three floors are split in half, male and fe­male. Each floor has a laun­dry room and lounge area where stu­dents can in­ter­act with one an­other. The bot­tom floor is made up of class­rooms, of­fices, a kitchen, vend­ing ma­chines and a pool table. This is a pop­u­lar res­i­dence hall for fresh­man to get the tra­di­tional col­lege dorm ex­pe­ri­ence.

“I like liv­ing on cam­pus, be­cause I can wake up 10 min­utes be­fore my class at 8 a.m. and still be on time. It is also a five minute walk from Gan­der or the gym,” Michael Harre, fresh­man, said.


Potter Hall, which is a hotel turned into a residence hall, is located on the south side of campus. Photo Courtesy of Kevin Ptacek.

Pot­ter Hall

Pot­ter is a ho­tel that was turned into a res­i­dence hall. Pot­ter can ac­com­mo­date stu­dents in two or three per­son rooms. Each room has its own bath­room to share be­tween room­mates. The main floor has an ex­er­cise room, ping pong table, pool table, pri­vate back­yard pa­tio and res­i­dence life of­fice. Pot­ter is coed with male and fe­male stu­dents liv­ing side by side. There were sev­eral new ad­di­tions to Pot­ter over the sum­mer; On the sec­ond and third floor, Maryville added a lounge area with a small kitchen area, a large TV  and couches for stu­dents to hang out and so­cial­ize.

Hill­top Apart­ments

The hill­top apart­ments con­sist of five dif­fer­ent units: Cedar, Elm, Maple, Oak and Pine. Each fa­cil­ity can ac­com­mo­date fifty stu­dents in ei­ther four per­son or two per­son apart­ments. The apart­ments have a liv­ing room, kitchen, two bath­rooms, and ei­ther two or four bed­rooms. The liv­ing room is fully fur­nished with a couch, chair, cof­fee table and a side table. The kitchen has all the ap­pli­ances along with a table and four kitchen chairs. On the lower level of each fa­cil­ity is a laun­dry room for res­i­dents that live there. The Hill­top Apart­ments are pri­mar­ily for up­per class­men and are the most ex­pen­sive to live in.

“I made the choice to move on cam­pus pri­mar­ily be­cause of how much more con­ve­nient every­thing is. From dri­ving to soc­cer prac­tice or be­ing here for all the events hosted on cam­pus, it is much eas­ier to be a part of it all while liv­ing on cam­pus.” Bill Sti­mac, ju­nior, said. Sti­mac is an Oak res­i­dent. If I have one com­plaint though, it would be that liv­ing in the apart­ments is a bit ex­pen­sive. Liv­ing off cam­pus is the cheaper op­tion, but does­n’t al­low the same feel­ing of be­ing around every­one all the time.”


Saints Hall is the newest addition of Maryville University and is located on the east side of campus. Photo Courtesy of Katie Mann.

Saints Hall

Saints Hall, which just opened fall of 2016, is a four-story res­i­dence hall with suite style rooms. On the main floor is a lounge area with a pool table, couches and a cof­fee bar. On the lower level is a car­dio cen­ter. A res­i­den­tial as­sis­tant is lo­cated at the main desk for any prob­lems or con­cerns. Rooms can ac­com­mo­date up to four res­i­dents who all share a bath­room be­tween two bed­rooms.



All four res­i­den­tial halls are great op­tions to choose from. Each one has its pros and cons, but it all de­pends on what the res­i­dents con­sider their pri­or­ity: pri­vacy, price or con­ve­nience.

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