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Mov­ing Up: Pretty but Prac­ti­cal 


An apart­ment; a place that feels like home, free­dom from pub­lic safety an­noy­ing fresh­man, an es­cape from Gan­der food, and the abil­ity to light a can­dle again (legally). This dream that every col­lege stu­dent stum­bles upon is luck­ily in your reach. If you have been fol­low­ing along since the be­gin­ning of Mov­ing Up, then you are al­ready one step closer to mak­ing this dream a re­al­ity. If you don’t know... More »

Mov­ing Up: Of­fi­cially Broke 


POV: Young, Dumb, and Broke just be­came your new fa­vorite song. Or not, it is a bit over­played. But re­gard­less, you are young, and af­ter mov­ing into your new apart­ment, you might feel that you are broke. Bills are a real and stress­ful thing that one day ap­pears in your life, whether you are ready or not. But don’t worry, luck­ily for you, Mov­ing Up is here to en­sure that you won’t be dumb. There is... More »

Mov­ing Up: The First Step


The First Step!  Col­lege; a time of un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ences, find­ing your­self, mak­ing friends, and study­ing for classes all while try­ing to fig­ure out life. At this point in your jour­ney, if you are read­ing this, then you have al­ready ac­com­plished the first few years by your­self or are cu­ri­ous for what the fu­ture could hold. But nev­er­the­less, the jour­ney is far from over. As you ad­vance into the... More »

Meet Me In The Lou: The Ul­ti­mate Food­ies Tour


I have a sus­pi­cion that when­ever some­one asks you, “Where do you wanna go eat?” You would prob­a­bly end up mum­bling, “ I don’t know you choose,” this cy­cle will con­tinue for the next sev­eral min­utes un­til one of you says you should go to your usual spot be­cause it’s re­li­able.  I have been guilty of this con­ver­sa­tion more of­ten than I ad­mit. How­ever, re­cently, I have been get­ting bet­ter at an­swer­ing... More »

Mov­ing Up: The Fi­nal Step


IT’S THE FI­NAL COUNT­DOWN! We have come a long way since the be­gin­ning of this blog, from the dreary dorm life to the cheery apart­ment life. You have learned a lot about be­com­ing an adult, and I have learned a lot about how to write a blog. BUT our jour­ney to­gether is not over yet! There is one last step, one last piece of in­for­ma­tion that I have to throw at you be­fore we come to an end. What might... More »

The Manic Episode: Ther­apy


Ther­apy can be a trans­for­ma­tive ex­pe­ri­ence for every­one, and as a col­lege stu­dent, I’ve come to re­al­ize how much it can im­prove not just my men­tal health but my over­all well-be­ing. This se­mes­ter, I fi­nally did it. I took the plunge and started go­ing to ther­apy. Let me tell you… it has been a jour­ney. Find­ing a ther­a­pist was­n’t easy. I had spe­cific pref­er­ences: some­one who ac­cepted my in­sur­ance, sp... More »

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